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Weather And Facility Information

Facility Status (Click here to see if facilities are open or closed due to weather conditions) 



  • We will try to play games and hold camps where possible.  Unless you see that your activity is cancelled, assume weather related decisions will be made on site as conditions dictate. 

  • Coaches wishing to cancel games please contact Grant Hagy at as well as your opposing coach - Coach Contact List

  • Coaches wishing to reschedule games contact Grant Hagy at

  • Lightning delay: 20 minutes from last strike

  • Heavy or extended rain: field conditions and safety dictate (determined by PRUMC)

  • Light rain: decisions made my referees and coaches

  • Wintry weather: primary consideration - roads and parking lots

  • If  the decision is made to cancel games in advance we will update this page as applicable


Cancellation policies:

Game Cancellation Policy:

  • PRUMC Sports and Recreation may cancel games due to inclement weather conditions.  When necessary, in an effort to play all games possible, decisions regarding delays and cancellations may be made on the field at game time. 

  •  We will attempt to play games when and where possible.   As long as the fields are considered playable and the weather does not threaten safety, the decision to play or not is up to the coaches. If only one team cancels, the other team may use the field if they want.  We have a variety of age group playing and what may be "playable weather" for older ages may not be for younger ages.

  • Coaches wishing to cancel games should contact (1) Grant Hagy at,  (2) your team members, and (3) if possible, the coach of the opposing team.

  • If  the decision is made to cancel games in advance we will update this page.

Practice Cancellation Policy:
Generally, cancellation of practice due to weather is up to the discretion of your coach. Players inquiring about a practice or game should contact their coach or team parent.  If weather or field condition dictate, PRUMC may close some fields when necessary. If you are a coach and wish to cancel your practice, please contact Grant Hagy at  as well as your team members. 


Challenger Soccer  inclement weather policy:

In the event of inclement weather, campers will take shelter until which time camp may resume.  Challenger will notify parents by email of any cancellations or delays in the camp schedule.  "In other words, unless you receive an email,  camp will continue as scheduled."  Please direct inquiries to Neil Lynch at



Office use only:

With the probability of some inclement weather, we will make every effort  to play games as scheduled.  Until further notice, all decisions regarding delays or cancellations will be made on the fields at game time. Coaches wishing to cancel games please contact Grant Hagy at as well as your opposing coach - Coach Contact List

Reminder: Field conditions are generally not an issue at the PRUMC Field. 

This page will be updated with any field closures, when applicable.



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