Information for Coaches - and Parents
For Coaches (and Parents):
League Apps Tutorial:
Team Snacks! E Rivers Concessions Stand
Player Substitution Worksheets
5 Ways Parents Mess Up
With Their Young Athletes
What Makes A Nightmare Sports Parent - - And What Makes A Great One
The Inside Out Initiative:
Must watch Videos:
What is the InSideOut Initiative?
The purpose of the InSideOut Initiative is to transform the current “win-at-all-costs” sports culture where the value is often defined by the scoreboard, into one that defines and promotes sports as a human growth experience.
The InSideOut Initiative provides a blueprint for systemic change. We must become aware of the purpose of sport in our children’s lives, align school communities around this purpose, provide education to school community stakeholders and hold all involved accountable to clearly defined expectations.
Coaching Resources:
Soccer Instruction:
The Challenger Way!
Y-Coach Youth Soccer Drills
Basketball Instruction:
Y-Coach Youth Basketball Drills
Tommy's Basketball Playbook
(you might need to use a mobile device for this one)